There are instances when people are selling pieces of property that they cannot prove they legally own. It may not seem safe, but it’s a relatively common practice. It’s usually used when the buyer knows the seller very well for transactions between family members or friends.
Since they cannot prove ownership, the buyer remains exposed to lawsuits if another valid owner appears at some point. But when there is a high level of trust between the two parties involved, they close the deal by using the quit claim deed Florida form.
What Is a Florida Quit Claim Deed?
When the ownership of a real estate is transferred between two parties, without the seller having proof that they are the legal owners, they use Florida quit claim deed. It’s a document that states the fact that the seller offers no guarantee, and they are only transferring their interest in the property.
It is a formal document, but it’s not legally binding or offering any warranty to the buyer. For that reason, it is advisable to do a title search before closing the deal, unless you completely trust the seller.
When to Use a Quit Claim Deed Form in Florida?
Florida quit claim deed forms are used when there is full trust between the seller (the grantor) and the buyer (the grantee). The reason is the document offers no warranty and actually means that the sale takes place without the seller offering any proof of ownership.
By signing the quit claim deed Florida form, the buyer declares that they agree to go ahead with the purchase even with the lack of title for the property.
This is a risky transaction, so the quit claim deed form Florida is mostly used between people in a close relationship when there is no mistrust, and they see no risk in the future concerning the ownership of the real estate piece. It’s usually issued between family members and friends.
How to File a Quit Claim Deed in Florida?
If you choose to do such a transaction in Florida, there are a few things you need to know. First of all, when you write the quit claim deed Florida form, you must make sure to include the appraiser’s parcel ID. That’s the number assigned by the City/County, and it must be present on the form, as a method of identifying the parcel.
Once you have filled the Florida quit claim deed, you must go to the County Recording Office of your jurisdiction. Before you submit the quitclaim, make sure your County doesn’t have any additional requirements.
In some cases, they also demand a self-addressed stamped envelope, apart from the documents and fees. It’s best to pay the fees when you write the papers, to avoid any delays in the registration process. For the quit claim deed Florida form to be efficient, you need two witnesses and to have it notarized.
What Should Be Included in a Florida Quit Claim Deed?
Even if the document doesn’t offer you any guarantees when it comes to ownership, Florida quit claim deed forms are still formal documents and should be issued as such. There are great templates available online to help you write an efficient and structured document.
The first thing you need to do is download the form in Adobe PDF, MS Word, or ODT, whichever you seem more suitable. Once you have the form, make sure the following information is included:
- The name of the County where you are issuing the document
- The price that the buyer has paid, in USD, both in numbers and words
- The identifying information of the buyer (grantee): name, address, County, city, state
- Provide a legal description of the property
- The identifying information of the seller (grantor): name, address, County, city, state
- Acknowledgment and signatures of all parties involved, including witnesses: name, address, and signature
- In the end, the notary public will affix their state seal
The quit claim deed Florida form is a useful document when you want to buy a property from someone you know and trust. It is written proof that you agree to the transaction even if the seller has no title to offer, and they cannot prove ownership.
Since the state of Florida demands that you notarize the document, it’s best to write it using an efficient template, to make sure it’s complete. CocoSign has excellent templates, for this and any other type of document you may need to issue.
Florida Quit Claim Deed FAQs
What is a deed?
The deed is a legal document used to transfer the ownership of a real estate property.
Can I use a Florida quit claim deed to transfer only a part of my property?
Yes, this can be done by mentioning yourself as the grantor, and as for the grantees, you must list both yourself and the other person. That way, you will both have equal shares of the property.
Who keeps the quitclaim deed once it has been recorded?
It’s usually the grantee that keeps the quitclaim deed document after it has been recorded.
What is the difference between a quitclaim deed and a warranty deed?
As the name suggests, the difference is that the warranty deed transfers the ownership with a type of guarantee that the property has no liens.
Does the quitclaim deed release financial obligations?
No, the only thing Florida quit claim deed form does is transfer ownership; the grantor is still responsible for any financial obligations, like a mortgage.