Employment Verification Letter 2
Employment Verification Letter 1
Employment Verification Letter 2
Employment Verification Letter 1

Employment Verification Letter

    A quick and simple way to request a background check of a candidate is with an employment verification letter. Our reusable employment verification letter provides a ready-to-use sample that removes employers’ hassles in creating a formal verification letter and helps fasten the employment procedures. Get a reliable employment verification letter below and improve your work productivity!

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Employment Verification Letter

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Getting information about a job applicant or an employee is all part of due diligence. With the consent of the applicant or employee, the company may conduct background investigations on prospective employees. One way to get more information about an applicant or employee’s employment background is by sending an employment verification letter to his or her current or former company.

Proof of employment or letter of employment verification may also be used by loan companies, insurance companies, and banks.

What Is an Employment Verification Letter?

An employment verification letter is a document used by a company to verify with a candidate’s current or former employer regarding his or her job title, department, the period of employment, and salary previously. It is a letter addressed to a company’s owner, manager, or human resource department. It is signed by the requesting company officer. The proof of employment letter also typically comes with the signed consent of the job applicant or employee.

An employment verification form is sometimes referred to as a proof of employment letter, proof of income letter, income verification letter, job verification letter, verification of past employment letter, or letter of employment.

Download Our Free Employment Verification Letter Sample Now!

Employment verification letter is a necessary step of verifying the applicant’s quality and ensuring that they are good enough for the company. To simplify the process of getting an employment verification for every job candidate, we made this editable sample to help employers obtain candidate information quicker. Download our free sample letter now!

What Is Included in an Employment Verification Letter?

Deciding on how to draft your employment letter sample depends on your purpose and what you need to know about your new employees. Are you looking to confirm the scope of their work? Do you want to verify how much they used to earn? Would you like to confirm how many benefits they get? Perhaps you want to know why they are changing careers or switching companies?

A work verification letter can come in many versions, but here are the details that you should not leave out:

  • An employment letter usually includes the asking officer’s details, such as their name, title, company name, and business address.
  • It also includes the recipient’s name, title, company name, and business address.
  • In the body of the letter, you can start by stating the purpose of the employee verification letter.
  • Then proceed to ask for the prospective employee's employment status, the period of employment, job description, and salary. HR officers and business owners could also ask for the applicant’s cause of termination if they like.
  • You may also ask for the officer’s opinion on whether they think the applicant is eligible for re-employment in their company.

When and Why Is an Employment Verification Letter Needed?

An employment verification letter may be used by HR officers, business owners, and company managers who want to look beyond a job applicant’s resume or CV.

If you did not get the information you need from the interview, you could send a job verification letter to the applicant’s current or former employers. You can also send a job verification letter to confirm everything you’ve learned from the applicant's CV or interview.

For job positions that require absolute trust and confidence, sending verification of employment form is necessary and crucial.

Banks, loan companies, financial institutions, and insurance companies also use an employment verification letter template to grant or deny loans or insurance applications.

How to Write an Employment Verification Form

Here are some tips on how to write an employment verification form:

Be direct to the point.

Make the letter brief. State the purpose and what you want to know. Keep in mind that you are basically asking a company a favor by sending this letter.

Be professional.

Use the right words when drafting your letter of employment verification. Avoid sounding like you are superlative to the other company. Surely, you would want the addressee to respond positively to your letter.

Ask for the job applicant’s or the employee’s consent.

Note that some companies may not want to divulge the information you need without asking for their former employee’s consent. To make the process faster and more straightforward, you can include this in the employment letter.

Simply add a sentence saying:

“(Name of job applicant or employee) hereby gives permission for this information to be shared.” or

“(Name of job applicant or employee) hereby consents to the sharing of this information to (Name of current or former employer).”

Get the job applicant’s or employee’s signature.

Below the above statement, the verification form should be signed by the job applicant or employee.

Download Our Free Employment Verification Letter Sample Now!

Employment verification letter is a necessary step of verifying the applicant’s quality and ensuring that they are good enough for the company. To simplify the process of getting an employment verification for every job candidate, we made this editable sample to help employers obtain candidate information quicker. Download our free sample letter now!


Here are the most common questions on using an employment verification form.

  • Should you call the previous employer after sending the verification of employment letter?

    Once you confirm that the proof of employment letter has been received, give the company some time to reply. You can call them if you haven’t heard from them after a few days. A gentle follow up should not cause harm.

  • Can a previous employer turn down an employment verification letter?

    Yes. There is no legal requirement for any company to provide information to anyone, not even with the employee’s consent. It’s only when the state or a court asks for this information when a company cannot profusely refuse.

  • How do I make sure the company responds to the letter of employment verification?

    You need to be professional and courteous when you draft the job verification letter. Being responsive when you yourself receive a work verification letter from another company also promotes a cooperative environment.

  • Can I ask about the reason for the employee’s termination?

    Nothing should stop you from asking about this information. However, don’t expect to get more details than you should.

  • Can I not send an employee verification letter?

    Yes. No company is required to draft an employment letter sample. After all, most US employees already complete a Form I-9. Many businesses, however, might want to look beyond the resume to protect their interests.

Drafting a letter of employment template could be tricky. Luckily, CocoSign has numerous templates AVAILABLE for this type of documents. Whether you are looking for a proof of income form or a work verification letter, check out what CocoSign has in store for you.




Employer Name: ________________________

Address: ________________________

City: ______________ State: ________

Zip: ________


RE: Verification of Employment for ____________________ [Name of Employee]

To whom it may concern:

Please accept this letter as confirmation that ____________________ [Name of Employee] has been employed with ____________________ [Employer Name] since ____________________ [Employee Start Date].

Currently, ____________________ [Name of Employee] holds the Title of ____________________ and works on a Full-Time Part-Time basis of ____ hours per week while earning $__________________ payable  Hourly Daily Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually and No Bonus a Bonus of $__________________.

If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact me at __________________ [Employer Phone Number].


Sincerely yours,


Signature ______________________ Print Name: ______________________

Employer Title: ______________________


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