CocoSign + AppSumo

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Welcome Sumo-lings!

Boost your business efficiency with the best eSignature service now!

Spend 80% Less on CocoSign Business Plan for 1 Year!

Business Package

Smartest eSignature Solution for SMBs

Simplify paperwork handling and drive workplace productivity with our business plan. Safeguard your business with legally-binding electronic signatures.

Multi-document Sending

Upload multiple documents and send to as many recipients as you wish. Use bulk send to deliver signature requests to a list of signers simultaneously.

Time-saving Signing Process

Leave behind all paperwork hassles from scanning, printing, and delivery. Sign in person with your clients and close deals faster with digital signatures anytime, anywhere.

Effortless Document Management

Track every eSign activity and remind signers at one click. Classify your business agreements, contracts, NDAs in CocoSign folders and use them whenever needed.

Top-notch Security & Compliance

Comply with international signature laws with 100% legally valid eSignatures. Secure your important data in CocoSign’s advanced cloud infrastructure.

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Boost efficiency

Sign 999+ Documents a Day

CocoSign sets no limit on the number of files you send for signature or sign yourself, so you can slash turnaround time by 85% on paperwork and get documents signed 5x faster.

Generate a Template Link

Create a document template to use it repeatedly. Send a template link to numerous recipients via chat apps, email, etc.

Send Files in Bulk

Send the same document copies to a group of signers all at once. Let CocoSign automatically remind your customers and track signing progress in real time.

Seamless Team Collaboration

Bring in team members to manage documents, share information and resources within a single CocoSign account.

Streamline workflow

Fit for 20+ Industries

CocoSign is a feature-rich eSignature solution tailored to various types of business. See how you can use it in your industry:

Get Employees Onboard

CocoSign helps human resource management with various employee forms, contracts, and requests in its template library.

Speed up Transactions

For sales and purchase, fasten paperwork finalization with CocoSign’s in-person signing feature.

Prepare Legal Documents

Provide qualified legal services with CocoSign’s digital signatures complying with global legislations such as eIDAS, ESIGN Act, UETA and more.

Fill Taxation Forms

Collect financial and taxation information from an unlimited number of signers with CocoSign’s Form feature.

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Born for SMBs

The Best DocuSign Alternative

If you’re frustrated by DocuSign, switch to CocoSign. Earn a simpler and superior signing experience with a 90% lower price.

User-friendly eSignature Service

Get rid of the software that makes paperwork complicated and annoying signing procedures. Take 3 clear-cut steps to handle any document on any device.

Around-the-clock Live Support

CocoSign offers real 24/7 customer service. Whenever you have a query, our professional team will respond and troubleshoot it within ONE minute.

Customizable Email Brand

Add your company’s brand logo in the signature request email to impress your clients. Bring traffic to your website by redirecting them after signing.

Enterprise-grade Security

CocoSign provides multi-layer protection for your private data and eSignatures. Elevate your account security by activating two-factor authentication.

Easier, Quicker, Safer eSignature Solution for SMBs and Professionals

  • No credit card required
  • 14 days free