AI in Contract Management: Automating Contract Creation and Monitoring with AI Technologies

Aileen Huang

Contracts are an integral component of any corporate ecosystem. They outline the rules and responsibilities of all parties involved. These documents formalize all the commitments and help us address any risks. However, managing them might not be the easiest process.

There's always a possibility of human error or delays. People have been looking for ways to avoid these problems for years. Luckily, an innovative solution appeared – AI-powered contract management. We want to tell you more about its impact. Keep reading and learn how it can completely change your practices! Incorporating LangChain prompt templates can also enhance your AI-powered contract management by streamlining the creation and customization of contract language.

Drawbacks of Traditional Contract Management Software

Contract management is an indispensable process for any company. There are so many different software solutions you can use for that purpose. However, all of them have certain drawbacks that may negatively impact their efficiency.

For instance, some companies have started incorporating sprint planning tools to streamline project management, yet these tools might not fully integrate with traditional contract management systems. Below, we gathered some limitations standard alternatives might have.


Many of these platforms offer extensive features and functionalities. Their complexity often requires extensive training. It may cause some delays in implementation. Your employees may find it difficult to master this software. This, in order, may result in more errors and inefficiencies. To address these challenges, investing in training video production can significantly enhance the learning experience and quicken the adoption process.

Lack of Customization

Some of these solutions may not cater to your specific needs. All of them have standard features. Yet, they may lack the flexibility to accommodate your unique workflows and requirements.

Limited Scalability

As your business grows, your contract management should too. However, many standard alternatives lack scalability. They can't accommodate the increasing volume and complexity of contracts. So, you may need some costly upgrades or migrations to more powerful platforms.

Security Concerns

These documents contain sensitive and confidential information. You must protect it from unauthorized access and breaches. There are some concerns regarding data privacy and encryption standards with classic systems.

Dependency on Vendor Support

With this software, you'll have to rely heavily on vendor support for

  • Troubleshooting issues;
  • Implementing updates;
  • Resolving technical glitches, etc.

However, the quality and responsiveness of this support is not always adequate among the providers.

About AI-Based Contract Management

As we've already defined, traditional systems often are not fully accurate and effective. So, you need to explore alternative solutions. That's when the integration of AI steps into the game.

AI-based contract management can streamline the entire lifecycle of this documentation. Which features does it offer?

Automated Contract Generation

These systems can generate agreements automatically based on predefined templates and rules. You will need minimal manual intervention. Here are the steps of this process:

  • Creation of templates with the terms and conditions;
  • Input of relevant information (duration, pricing, terms of service, etc.);
  • Rule-based logic process;
  • Interpretation with the help of NLP;
  • Assembly of the finalized document;
  • Review and approval process;
  • Execution and signature.

This practice allows you to save a lot of time. Plus, the rule-based logic helps you make this documentation more consistent. This minimizes the chance of mistakes and discrepancies. Also, we want to mention that this generation is pretty scalable. So, you can craft thousands of documents without compromising their quality.

Intelligent Analysis

Traditional management requires manual review. AI solutions can help you automate this procedure. They will speed up the whole process and make it more accurate. LegalOn's AI contract analysis software excels in intelligent review, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in reviewing contracts.

Intelligent analysis begins with document parsing. These algorithms scan through the text and pull useful details like

  • Parties involved;
  • Effective dates;
  • Obligations;
  • Terms, etc.

Then the system employs NLP techniques. They allow it to recognize complex legal terminology and contextual nuances. Next, it extracts and categorizes the clauses. It allows you to structure the data for further analysis.

Lifecycle Management

The next thing AI completely transformed is CLM. As we've noted above, this advancement can automate the generation process. It can accelerate other phases as well.

For example, it can assist you with contract authoring. The system will give you suggestions and alerts about your drafts. Also, it can simplify the approval process. The algorithms can

  • Identify stakeholders;
  • Determine approval hierarchies;
  • Enforce approval timelines, etc.

Moreover, these systems can become repositories for storing and handling your documents. They use tags and categories to organize them. It makes it easier for you to search and retrieve the info you need. Plus, they will send you notifications about expiration dates and renewals.

Risk Identification and Mitigation

AI systems excel at risk management. They interpret contract language and metadata to automatically identify potential dangers. Those may be

  • Ambiguous language;
  • Conflicting terms;
  • Non-standard clauses;
  • Compliance issues;
  • Financial liabilities, etc.

They will categorize them based on severity and likelihood. It allows you to focus on high-risk areas first. Additionally, employing retrieval augmented generation services can enhance data processing capabilities, providing more accurate and efficient contract management solutions.

By leveraging advanced machine learning development services, businesses can enhance their AI systems to identify and mitigate these risks. Since some locations might have slow or troublesome connections, you should always ensure
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Negotiation Assistance

The next feature of AI-based contract management systems is negotiation assistance. They examine past data and market trends to offer advice. It allows you to determine successful strategies for negotiation.

Also, these systems offer live guidance. They evaluate the ongoing conversation and the proposed changes. So, you'll get

  • Instant feedback;
  • Alerts about potential risks;
  • Alternative clauses or terms, etc.

Plus, AI platforms can create customized negotiation playbooks based on your current strategies. They constantly learn from past situations and feedback. Based on this, they'll give you some practical advice for better outcomes.

Compliance Monitoring

Last but not least, AI can improve the compliance monitoring procedure. The algorithms automatically scan the documents. They compare contract language against predefined compliance criteria. They continuously assess changes and detect deviations from standards.

Also, these systems give you alerts about any issues, like when

  • Contractual obligations are due;
  • Compliance thresholds are exceeded;
  • Regulatory changes impact contract terms, etc.

AI-powered contract management platforms will automatically update your adherence frameworks to the latest standards. Plus, they use predictive analytics to generate insights into future compliance risks and trends.

To effectively manage these evolving demands, many professionals are pursuing an LLM for data analytics, equipping them with the legal expertise to interpret and apply complex data in regulatory assessments. Additionally, an LLM for data analytics enhances a lawyer’s ability to navigate the intricate interplay between technology and law, crucial for developing proactive compliance strategies in AI-driven environments.

What to Consider Before Integrating AI Technologies?

We can all agree that the incorporation of AI in content management can be pretty beneficial. However, you need to approach it thoughtfully. Below you'll find some points you have to consider to maximize its impact.

Business Objectives

First of all, you need to clearly define your purpose and requirements for this integration. Determine exact pain points or opportunities for improvement that AI can help you address. Those can be

  • Acceleration of contract creation;
  • Improved compliance;
  • Better risk mitigation, etc.

Data Quality and Availability

Next, you have to assess the quality and availability of data you need to train AI algorithms. Make sure that all your documents are standardized and accessible in digital formats suitable for analysis. Try to handle any inconsistencies or inaccuracies immediately to provide reliable outcomes.

Remember to evaluate the regulatory implications of this integration. Make sure, you adhere to all the

  • Data privacy regulations;
  • Intellectual property rights;
  • Confidentiality agreements, and other conditions.

Change Management and User Adoption

Also, you need to estimate the impact of AI incorporation on your organizational processes and workflows. It's important to enforce change management strategies to communicate the benefits of AI technologies. You have to address any concerns or resistance from stakeholders. Provide training and support to users to ensure they know how to use the new features.

Technology Infrastructure

Next, you have to evaluate the existing technology infrastructure and integration capacities of the new system. Determine whether your current platform can support AI functionalities. You need to define if any additional IT infrastructure upgrades are necessary.

Vendor Selection

Also, you need to choose your technology vendors or partners. Make sure they have experience in both contract management and AI applications. Evaluate vendors based on their

  • Track record;
  • Reputation;
  • Scalability;
  • Reliability;
  • Support services.

Try to regularly communicate with them to customize these solutions to meet your individual needs.

Ethical and Bias Considerations

AI algorithms have potential inherent biases. You need to handle this consideration right away. You have to make sure these systems are transparent and accountable in their decision-making processes. It's important to implement additional measures to prevent discrimination and promote the ethical use of AI technologies.

Performance Metrics and Evaluation

Lastly, you have to define key performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of this advancement on your contract management processes. It's crucial to regularly monitor and evaluate its performance. You have to identify weak areas and iterate on AI algorithms to optimize the outcomes.


There's no doubt that proper contract management is extremely important for any organization. However, traditional software can't always handle current high demands. So, the need for innovative solutions appeared.

AI-based content management systems are rising in popularity. They offer so many different features that optimize the entire documentation lifecycle. You can use them for automated generation or negotiation assistance. The possibilities are endless. However, AI has its own specifics, so you need to approach it carefully.

We hope that you found our guide helpful. Don't be scared of new advancements, embrace them! Try this innovative combination and you'll definitely see some great changes.