How Do I Set an Expiration Date?

Fed up with the unlimited delays when your partners, employees, or clients forget to sign the contracts? Concerned that your contracts won't be finalized as scheduled? You can set a deadline for your recipients to ramp up the urgency of your signature request and let CocoSign notify them to sign before the upcoming deadlines. This saves you the time and energy to chase up those who haven't signed yet. 

How to Set an Expiration Date?

Step 1: When you are in the final stage of document sending: Review and Send, click on More Setting to display a drop-down list.

Step 2: Check the box of the Complete within 30 (alterable) Days.

Step 3: Enter the days according to your needs (Max: 180 Days). For example, if you enter 40, then the document will expire after the recipients fail to sign within 40 days. 

Step 4: Click Send to send the document.

How to Alter the Expiration Date?

Even if your signature request expired or is about to reach the expiry date, you can change the deadline at will. Simply follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to your document list by clicking Documents in the dashboard.

Step 2: Find your targeted document in the All or Waiting for others category. To have a quick view of documents that will expire in five days, click Expiring soon.

Step 3: Hit More to select Change Expiry Date

Step 4: In the pop-up window, click the New expiry date section to change the date.

Step 5: Once satisfied, click Set and the deadline is successfully updated.

How to Remove the Expiration Date?

If you change your mind and no longer want a deadline for the document sent, you are allowed to remove the expiry date you set previously. 

Step 1: Locate the document and click More to choose Change Expiry Date from the drop-down list.

Step 2: Check the box Never expire.

Step 3: Hit Set and your signature request will never expire.

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