List View of Documents

CocoSign gives a comprehensive overview of all documents you sent and received in the Documents list. CocoSign splits the documents into 6 categories: All, I Need to Sign, Waiting for Others, Expiring soon, Completed, and Draft

To view your documents, click on Documents on the left navigation pane and CocoSign will direct you to the All category by default. All your files received and sent will be displayed clearly on the right.

Select a category to view files under that category. 

All- This category shows all the documents you've drafted, sent, and received.

I Need to Sign- The documents you have received from others, which will go to Completed after you sign them.

Waiting for others- Here are documents you sent to your signers for signatures. Once completed, the files will be re-sorted to Completed.

Expiring soon- Signature requests falling under this category are about to expire in 5 days.

Completed- Documents that have been completed by all signing parties.

Draft- Signature requests that have not yet been finalized and sent.

You can also click any of the categories in the left navigation panel.

You can view their basic details at a glance, such as their names, time and date of recent updates, recipients, and statuses. 

Note: Your documents are arranged by Last Change by default. You can also choose to sort them by Name.

Using the More button under the Action tab, you can delete, download, and void documents, change expiry dates, send manual reminders, generate a document signing link, check the logs of your documents and more. 

To learn how to view your document list and implement the actions above in detail, click here.

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